Matrescence Reading List: Book Recommendations -- Digital Download


Matrescence Reading List is a zine of book recommendations by Amy Bornman. The 20-page zine recommends 57 books that fit under the ever-widening umbrella of “books about motherhood,” featuring a mini review for each title.

“Throughout my life, I’ve always looked to books to help me understand my place in the universe, to help me find my way through big changes and shifts, and I’ve needed that more than ever as I’ve become a mother. These books have reassured me so many times — I’m not alone, I’m part of the world, I’m where I need to be.”

(Excerpt from Matrescence Reading List)

This listing is for the digital download version of the zine. To print your own zine, print the “matrescencereadinglist -- printable.pdf” file double-sided on letter-sized paper using a printer that has automatic duplex printing. Print the cover file separately — card stock makes a beautiful and durable cover. Use staples or thread to bind.

Also includes a scrolling pdf for digital reading.

Available as a limited edition print zine too! (Here!)

Written and edited by Amy Bornman
Designed and published by Amy Bornman, Imaginary Lake Press

Matrescence Reading List is Zine #4 in the “A Year Postpartum” series. Buy a subscription here and receive all six print zines in the series as they are published (including this one and the first two from the series that were already sent to subscribers). If you have already purchased a subscription, your new zine will be headed to you shortly!

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Matrescence Reading List is a zine of book recommendations by Amy Bornman. The 20-page zine recommends 57 books that fit under the ever-widening umbrella of “books about motherhood,” featuring a mini review for each title.

“Throughout my life, I’ve always looked to books to help me understand my place in the universe, to help me find my way through big changes and shifts, and I’ve needed that more than ever as I’ve become a mother. These books have reassured me so many times — I’m not alone, I’m part of the world, I’m where I need to be.”

(Excerpt from Matrescence Reading List)

This listing is for the digital download version of the zine. To print your own zine, print the “matrescencereadinglist -- printable.pdf” file double-sided on letter-sized paper using a printer that has automatic duplex printing. Print the cover file separately — card stock makes a beautiful and durable cover. Use staples or thread to bind.

Also includes a scrolling pdf for digital reading.

Available as a limited edition print zine too! (Here!)

Written and edited by Amy Bornman
Designed and published by Amy Bornman, Imaginary Lake Press

Matrescence Reading List is Zine #4 in the “A Year Postpartum” series. Buy a subscription here and receive all six print zines in the series as they are published (including this one and the first two from the series that were already sent to subscribers). If you have already purchased a subscription, your new zine will be headed to you shortly!

Matrescence Reading List is a zine of book recommendations by Amy Bornman. The 20-page zine recommends 57 books that fit under the ever-widening umbrella of “books about motherhood,” featuring a mini review for each title.

“Throughout my life, I’ve always looked to books to help me understand my place in the universe, to help me find my way through big changes and shifts, and I’ve needed that more than ever as I’ve become a mother. These books have reassured me so many times — I’m not alone, I’m part of the world, I’m where I need to be.”

(Excerpt from Matrescence Reading List)

This listing is for the digital download version of the zine. To print your own zine, print the “matrescencereadinglist -- printable.pdf” file double-sided on letter-sized paper using a printer that has automatic duplex printing. Print the cover file separately — card stock makes a beautiful and durable cover. Use staples or thread to bind.

Also includes a scrolling pdf for digital reading.

Available as a limited edition print zine too! (Here!)

Written and edited by Amy Bornman
Designed and published by Amy Bornman, Imaginary Lake Press

Matrescence Reading List is Zine #4 in the “A Year Postpartum” series. Buy a subscription here and receive all six print zines in the series as they are published (including this one and the first two from the series that were already sent to subscribers). If you have already purchased a subscription, your new zine will be headed to you shortly!

Objects: an Inventory -- Digital Download
Ordinary Time: a Poetics of Exhaustion -- Poetry Chapbook Digital Download
Birth Story: a pattern for writing -- Digital Download
Motherhood as Givenness: Postpartum Sentences -- Digital Download
I'm Learning Waiting Like It's a Skill -- Digital Download